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Hopking’s Herbal – B C

Go to Hopking’s Herbal – A Modern Materia Medica (herbs and their medicinal action and uses):
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All these herbs are available from Herbactive Botanicals as:
1. Organic tinctures made according to the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia
2. Organic alcohol-free concentrated tinctures

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50. Ballota nigra (Black Horehound tops) – anti-emetic, sedative; nausea & vomiting, motion

51. Ballota nigra (Black Horehound tops) – anti-emetic, sedative; nausea & vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness, nervous dyspepsia.

52. Baptisia tinctoria (Wild Indigo root) 1:10 – anti-microbial, anti-catarrhal, anti-septic, febrifuge; infections: especially infection of upper respiratory tract, catarrh, mouth ulcers, lymphatic swelling. Ext: indolent ulcers, sore nipples, leucorrhoea (douche). Dose 2-5ml.

Barosma betulina – Buchu (see Agathosma).

53. Berberis aquifolium (Oregon Grape root) – alterative, anti-emetic, mild cholagogue and laxative. Chronic scaly skin, psoriasis, eczema; catarrhal gastritis with cholecystitis, nausea and vomiting. see Skin Tonic

54. Berberis vulgaris (Barberry bark) – cholagogue, anti-emetic, bitter tonic; liver tonic, specific for gall stones: jaundice (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), leishmaniasis, splenomegaly, spleen tonic causing splenic contractions (BHP), malaria. C/I pregnancy.

55. Betula alba (Silver Birch lvs) – diuretic, anti-septic; cystitis, kidney stones, skin problems, mildly sedative.

56. Bidens pilosa (beggarticks, Spanish needles, Demon spike grass, Needle grass, Black Jack, Gui Zhen Cao) – B. pilosa is an extraordinary source of phytochemicals, particularly flavonoids and polyynes. Plant flavonoids are commonly reported to possess cancer preventing actions, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and other bioactivities. Scientific studies, although not extensive, have demonstrated that B. pilosa extracts and/or compounds have antitumor, antiinflammatory, antidiabetic and antihyperglycemic, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antimalarial, antibacterial, antifungal, antihypertensive, vasodilatory, and antiulcerative activities.

57. Biota orientalis (Arborvitae tops, Ce Bai Ye, Cupressaceae) Chinese Herb – astringent, haemostatic, detoxification, antitussive; expectorant; anti-asthmatic, anti-bacterial; promotes hair growth; bleeding conditions (in lungs, uterus, etc), chronic bronchitis, RA pain; bitter, astringent, slightly cold. LU LIV LI. see Hair Growth

58. Borago officinalis (Borage leaves) – diuretic, demulcent, diaphoretic, galactagogue, tonic; adrenal restorative, stress; restorative for convalescence, nervous conditions, anti-inflammatory, pulmonary problems (lungs), kidney irritations, catarrhal conditions. see Adrenal Tonic

59. Boswellia carterii (Mastic Tree, frankincense, Ru Xiang) – analgesic by invigorating blood circulation, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, haemostatic, antitussive; regenerative – promotes muscle growth (steroidal? Vitaligo?) ; abdominal pain; trauma of wounds; pungent, bitter, cold; HE LIV SP. Ext: stubborn abscesses and boils.

60. Brassica alba (White Mustard Seed, Bai Jie Zi) Chinese Herb – cough with phlegm, pleurisy, TB, warms the lung, resolves lumps by invigorating the circulation with qi, pain in joints and extremities with numbness; pungent, warm. LU, ST

61. Breast abnormal cell formation, herbs for: Viola od. Tarax fol. and anti-neoplastic non-oestrogenic herbs. (See 68 below.) See HerbShield and Caisse – formula for life threatening illness.

62. Breast Milk, herbs for: Galega, Trigonella, Anethum, Vitex, Carum. See MilkMore Tonic

63. Breast size, herbs to increase: Trigonella. Seranoa. Damiana. Cola. Cinchona. Galega. (Best results appears to be a combination of Trigon. and Galega). see Breast Enhancement

64. Bryonia dioica (White Bryony root) 1:10 – pectoral, expectorant, diaphoretic, powerful cathartic and hydragogue (purgative which produces abundant watery discharge), emetic (large dose); constipation, whooping cough, bronchitis, pleurisy, RA pain, lumbago; amenorrhoea (large dose). Ext: myalgia (muscular pains). Dose 0.06-0.6ml (BPC 1934) (12.6ml per week tds). NB: Large dose may precipitate menstruation or cause haemorrhoid trouble. C/I pregnancy.

65. Bupleurum scorzoneraefolium (Thorowax or Hares Ear root, Chai Hu) Chinese Herb – anti-pyretic; stagnant liver; malaria; pain in chest; Qi elevate; prolapse of rectum, womb; bitter, neutral; SP LIV GB P TRIPLE-B. Allergies (blocks serotonin), bone disease (abnormal cell formation) (enhances production of interferon), kidney disease (proteinuria), RA. see HerbShield and Bones

66. Calendula officinalis (Marigold flowers) – anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, haemorrhagic, anti-fungal, skin, bruises; duodenal ulcers; Ext: fungus (with Tea Tree Oil), crural ulcer, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, eczema, inflamed skin. see Fungal Tonic

67. Calluna vulgaris (Heather flowers, leaves) – anti-septic, diuretic, antimicrobial, vulnerary, astringent, kidney urinary infections, acne, cystitis. see Spots and Acne

68. Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) – cellular protection – esp. in git, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, colon and lung. Potent antioxidant. Used as part of a weight control programme due to its thermogenic properties. Active constits: catechins. [Black tea, fine, successfully used in poultice for varicose ulcers].

69. Cannabis sativa (Hemp, Cannabis seed, Huo Ma Ren) – Sweet, neutral. SP ST LI. Aperient/emollient. Constipation of the debilitated or aged person. Laxative, increases peristalsis; lowers BP.

70. Acting as a preventative against cancer are the following herbs: Breast: Viola od. Tarax fol. Forsythia and anti-neoplastic non-oestrogenic herbs. Oestrogenic Herbs to avoid: Pimpinella. Trillium. Cimicifuga. Sambucus. Angelica sinensis. Evening primrose. Foeniculum. Humulus. Glycyrrhiza. Salvia. Smilax. Aletris. (Do not use with breast abnormal cell formation), uterine abnormal cell formation, growths, fibroids, endometriosis, cysts; any oestrogen dependent abnormal cell formation). See also HRT. Curcuma (lowers abnormal cell formation risk (smokers, farmers)). Podophyllum (all abnormal cell formations, esp ovarian, also in ointment for skin abnormalities). Oldenlandia (GIT). Scutellaria barbata – Ban Zhi Lian (abnormal cell formation in lungs, stomach and intestines). Symphytum. Tabebuia. Thuja (uterus). Trifolium. Uncaria (general and skin). Viola od (breast, GIT). Galium. Sanguinaria (sarcoma, tumours). Viscum. Chelidonium (skin). Ferula (lung). Pfaffia (esp melanoma). Psoralea. Forsythia (breast). Ruscus (skin). Tarax fol (breast/lung). Trigonella (liver and uterine, cervix). Verbena (abdominal). See HerbShield and Caisse – formula for life threatening illness

71. Candida albicans (and thrush), herbs for: Alpinia. Tabe. Ech. Berb vulg. Berb aq. Coptis. Matric. Hydrast. Art abs. See Candida and Thrush

72. Capsella bursa-pastoris (Shepherd’s Purse herb, Ji Cai) – haemostatic, uterine bleeding, endometriosis, haemorrhage, menorrhagia, diuretic, HBP; sweet, cool; LIV ST SI BL

73. Capsicum minimum (Cayenne pepper seed) – spasmolytic, diaphoretic; systemic stimulant, carminative, circulatory and digestive tonic, colic, circulation – peripheral insufficiency, chronic laryngitis (gargle). Dry mouth. Ext: lumbago (lotion), neuralgia, RA pain, unbroken chilblains. Dose 1:20 60% 0.3-1ml (BPC 1968); strong 1:3 60% 0.06-0.2ml (BPC 1934).

74. Carduus benedictus (Holy Thistle aerial parts = Cnicus ben.) – bitter tonic, stomachic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-haemorrhagic, anti-biotic, bacteriostatic; anorexia, increases gastric and biliary flow, increases appetite, flatulent dyspepsia, bronchial catarrh. Ext: gangrenous and indolent ulcers. see flatulence and wind

75. Carthamus tinctorius (Safflower flowers, Hong Hua) – invigorates circulation of blood and removes blood stasis; analgesic. Uses: amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain and tumor; traumatic injury; hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. C/I pregnancy. Produces tonic or rhythmic contraction. Higher dose increases autonomic contraction rate. Fast acting and endures long. Dilates coronary artery. Lowers blood pressure and for a long period of time. Acts on smooth tissue of intestines, blood vessels and bronchi. Protects ischemic and anoxic brain injury; effective for ischaemic cerebral diseases. Lowers cholesterol, lipids and triglyceride. See Synergy Pluss and Memory enhancement

76. Carum carvi (Caraway seeds) – carminative, anti-spasmodic, dysmenorrhoea; flatulent dyspepsia, intestinal colic, increases appetite, anorexia.

77. Cassia angustifolia (Senna leaf and pods, Fan Xie Ye leaf) – cathartic, to eliminate excess heat in body; purgative, constipation, abdominal fullness; sweet, bitter; very cold; LI. NB: The leaf is stronger than the fruits. see Herbal Laxatives or Extra Strong Laxative

78. Cassia tora (Cassia seed, Jue Ming Zi) Chinese Herb – Acute eye inflammation and tearing; all eye problems, eye soreness and sensitivity to light, laxative – safe natural-acting, HBP; anti-cholesterol; sweet, bitter, salty; LIV LI. See SeeMore

79. Caulophyllum thalictroides (Blue Cohosh rhizomes and roots) – uterine tonic, emmenagogue; pregnancy, miscarriage, dysmenorrhoea, uterine atony.

80. Centella asiatica (Gotu Cola aerial parts) (= Hydrocotyl asiatica) – vascular problems, leg ulcers (tissue repair), significant benefits in the treatment of cellulite, varicose veins, memory loss, peripheral vasodilator (esp. lower legs), Alzheimer’s disease, Raynaud’s phenomenon, brain enhancement, skin problems, antirheumatic, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia. Ext: indolent wounds, leg ulcers, cicatrisation after surgery. See ME and FM

81. Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Ipecacuanha root and rhizome) – expectorant, emetic (large dose), sialagogue; bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, amoebic dysentery, poisoning (emetic). C/I general debility, shock, cardiac disease.

82. Cetraria islandica (Iceland Moss) – demulcent, expectorant; gastritis, dyspepsia, vomiting, catarrh, debility, bronchitis.

83. Chamaelirium lutea (False Unicorn root) – uterine tonic, hormonal amphoteric; amenorrhoea, ovarian pain, threatened miscarriage, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting. Dose: 1:5 45% 2-5ml. Endangered species; by special order only.

84. Chelidonium majus (Greater Celandine aerial parts) – anti-spasmodic, cholagogue, anodyne; gall bladder infections, gall stones – specific. Ext: The fresh juice for tinea, eczema, verrucae and malignant tumours of the skin. Dose: 1:10 45% 2-4ml. (BHP)

85. Chelone glabra (Balmony aerial parts) 1:10 – cholagogue, anti-emetic, anti-depressant, stimulant, laxative; gallstones inflammation, jaundice, digestive aid, anorexia, intestinal colic, debility. Dose: 1:10 45% 1-2ml. Difficult to obtain.

86. Chicken Pox and Infections, herbs for: Astrag. Bapt. Ech. Commi. Phytolac. Uncar. Solid. Chelid. Pueraria lobata (Kudzu Vine Root, Ge Gen). order this tonic

87. Chionanthus virginica (Fringe-tree root bark) – hepatic disease, cholagogue, alterative; gallstones & inflammation, anti-emetic, splenomegaly, portal hypertension, glycosuria, liver disease. see Spleen Tonic or Liver Tonic

88. Chondrus crispus (Irish Moss, Carrageen) – demulcent, nutritive, anti-tussive, emollient; convalescence, cachexia (ill-conditioned state of body or mind), dyspepsia, gastritis, bronchitis, cystitis, atonic dyspepsia with nausea and heartburn. Ext: chapped hands (lotion), dermatitis.

89. Chrysanthemum parthenium (Feverfew leaf) – anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, relaxant, bitter; migraine, arthritis, dizziness and tinnitus. C/I pregnancy.

90. Chrysanthemum morifolium (Chrysanthemum fl, Ju Hua) Chinese Herb – common cold (wind heat), headache, blood-shot eyes, improves vision; sedative; eyes – improves sight; eyes – aching; dizziness; HBP; abscesses; sweet, bitter, slightly cold; LU LIV. See SeeMore

91. Cibotium barometz (Cibot rhizome, Gou Ji) – anti-rheumatic, liver – tonifies, kidney – tonifies, aching back and knees (muscles and RA), lumbago; sweet, bitter, warm; LIV KI. Rare herb.

92. Cimicifuga foetida (Cimicifuga tuber, Sheng Ma) Chinese Herb – diaphoretic, detoxification; common cold with sore throat, measles, headache, gingivitis, stomatitis (sore mouth), prolapse of rectum and uterus; pungent, sweet, slightly bitter and cold; LU, SP, ST, LI. See Detox

93. Cimicifuga racemosa (Black Cohosh root) – anti-rheumatic, antitussive, sedative, emmenagogue, anti-spasmodic, alterative; dysmenorrhoea, ovarian cramp, pain in uterus, abortifacient (induces birth), RA, sciatica, neuralgia, tinnitus, intercostal myalgia, whooping cough, chorea; specific for arthritis and muscular rheumatism. Dose: 1:10 60% 2-4ml.

94. Cinchona officinalis (Peruvian Bark) – febrifuge, bitter, orexigenic, febrifuge, spasmolytic, anti-protozoal (worms, parasites); splenomegaly, anorexia, dyspepsia, hyperchlorhydria (stomach acidity), cramp, myalgia (fibromyalgia), heart relaxant; malaria and fever, digestive, palpitations, general debility. C/I pregnancy. Dose: BPC 1949: 2-4ml Maximum dose (Medicines Act Order 1977, 2130) 250mg bark, is approx. Equivalent to 2.5ml Tr. Cinchona 1:10. See Parasites or Malaria

95. Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor, Zhang Nao) Chinese Herb – to open the orifices (aromatic stimulant), to resolve dampness and kill germs, anti-inflammatory and analgesic; loss of consciousness, coma, skin diseases, traumatic injury; pungent, hot, toxic. HE. C/I pregnancy, qi xu, insomnia, nephritis. Dose 0.03-0.06 gm. Rare herb.

96. Cinnamomum cassia (Cinnamon twigs, Gui Zhi) Chinese Herb – diaphoretic, to warm the channels and collaterals, to promote the circulation of Yang Qi in the chest, to promote the blood circulation; common cold, chest pain, palpitation, RA pain, oedema, dysuria, abdominal fullness, arthritis pain, amenorrhoea, angina; pungent, sweet, warm; HE LU BL. C/I pregnancy.

97. Cinnamomum japonicum (Cinnamon bark Gui Pi) Chinese Herb – to warm the spleen and stomach, to dispel cold and relieve pain, to invigorate the circulation of blood; GIT pain due to cold, lumbago, RA pain, anaemia; pungent, warm; HE LIV SP KI. C/I pregnancy.

98. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Cinnamon inner bark) – spasmolytic, carminative, orexigenic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-microbial, refrigerant, anthelmintic; flatulent dyspepsia, anorexia, intestinal colic, infantile diarrhoea, common cold, influenza (flu) astringent, aromatic, stimulant; digestive, nausea and vomiting. Dose: 2-4ml.

99. Circulatory Stimulants, herbs as (also Raynaud’s): Ang sin. Armoracia. Astrag*. Boswell. Brass*. Capsic*. Cinn gz/gp. Eleuth. Ephed. Euronym. Gink*. Myric*. Pan not. Puer. Rheum*. Rosm. Rubia cord. Rusc*. Salv milt. Sanguin. Styrax*. Syzyg. Vaccin*. Xanthox*. Zing*. (* esp. indicated for leg ulcers) (see ulcers as main entry for more herbs for internal and external use). See Heart and Circulation

100. Cistanche salsa (Broomrape fleshy stems, Rou Cong Rong) Chinese Herb – tonic to kidney yang, demulcent laxative, aphrodisiac; impotence, spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, lumbago, weak bones and sinews (osteoporosis, menopause), constipation due to dry intestines; tonifies yin and yang, lowers blood pressure; sweet, salty, warm; KI, LI.

101. Citrus reticulata (Mandarin Orange, pericarp of tangerine/mandarin, Chen Pi) Chinese Herb – tonify and regulate spleen qi (carminative), dispel dampness and phlegm (expectorant), dyspepsia, gastrointestinal distension, cough with profuse phlegm, hiccup, vomiting; pungent, bitter, warm; LU, SP.

102. Codonopsis pilosula (Poor Man’s Ginseng, Dang Shen root) – to invigorate the function of spleen and stomach; to replenish the vital energy of spleen and lung; to promote the secretion of body fluids. Use: palpitations, shortness of breath, weakness of limbs, poor appetite, loose bowel; thirst, anaemia, chronic haemorrhage. Sweet, neutral; SP, LU. Pharma: stimulates the CNS; increases phagocytosis; increases the ability to fight against diseases; lowers blood pressure (BP) by dilating peripheral blood vessels and inhibiting adrenalin; increases the WBC and RBC (used esp. for patients in chemotherapy or radiotherapy), lupus; increases red blood cells and haemoglobin – used for anaemia and chronic bleeding conditions; decreases protein in urine (chronic nephritis); increases blood sugar.

Cnicus benedictus – Blessed Thistle (see Carduus).

103. Cola vera (Kola nuts) – stimulant to higher centres of CNS, thymoleptic, anti-depressive, diuretic, cardioactive, anti-diarrhoeal; depression, general muscular weakness (e.g. fibromyalgia), exhaustion, dysentery, atonic diarrhoea, anorexia, migraine, nervine, anti-depressive, debility. Dose: 1:5 60% 1-4ml (BPC 1934).

104. Collinsonia canadensis (Stone root) – diuretic (strong), anti-lithic, diaphoretic (mild); urinary & gallstones, kidney stones, strong diuretic. Dose: 1:5 40% 2-8ml. Tincture BPC 1934 25% 2-8ml. see StoneLess Tonic

105. Commiphora molmol (Myrrh gum) – anti-microbial, astringent, carminative, anti-catarrhal, expectorant, vulnerary, immunostimulant. Increases WBC and defences, infections, mouth ulcers, pyorrhoea, pharyngitis, sinusitis, boils, glandular fever, brucellosis. Ext. healing and anti-septic for wounds and abrasions, cold sores. Dose: Tincture BPC 1973 1-2.5ml. Tincture Myrrh Comp. (Thompsons) 1 part Tincture Capsicum BPC 1973 to 4 parts Tincture Myrrh BPC 1973 1-2.5ml. Commiphora myrrha (Mo Yao) Chinese Herb – analgesic, traumatic pain and swelling; to promote the healing of wounds. Pharmacological Action: bronchial secretion – reduces, uterus – reduces secretion from, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, weight – decreases, mouth-wash, peristalsis – increases; bitter, neutral; HE LIV SP; C/I pregnancy.

106. Coleus forskohlii (Forskolin, Makandi) – Asthma, eczema, hay fever (potent antihistamine), high blood pressure (dilates blood vessels). C/I do not use in osteoporosis (can cause demineralisation). Highly aromatic. Rare herb.

107. Convallaria majus (Lily of Valley leaves) – cardioactive, diuretic; heart failure, oedema – water retention (dropsy), congestion (heart and lung difficulty), cardiac asthma, palpitation. Dose: 1:5 40% 0.5-2ml. Tincture BPC 1934 1:8 60% 0.3-1.2ml

108. Coptis chinensis (Golden Thread root, Huang Lian) Chinese Herb – diarrhoea, sedative, acute enteritis, dysentery, insomnia, fidget, twitch, delirium (high fever), mouth and tongue inflammation, leukaemia (abnormal cell formation), conjunctivitis (eye redness) and eye disorders, otitis media (ears inflamed), anti-toxin (detoxification); bitter, cold; HE LIV ST LI. Pharm: anti-bacterial, HBP, cholagogue, anti-diuretic (for urinary incontinence), parasites, osteomyelitis (bone infection), increases brain alertness. See mental enhancement and brain

109. Cordyceps – rebalances inflammatory cytokines, strongly improves a low immune system as an adaptogenic, it stimulates ATP generation by mitochondria and antioxidant activity, strongly modulatory on immune cells, and highly protective on the cells in the kidney system [tubular epithelial cells], improves learning and reduces memory impairment, improves testosterone and sperm count and motility, for mycoplasma treatment in a tincture or taken as a powder [up to 3Tbsp three times daily for serious infections], (also in the ABCD Powder). HerbShield. InflammationLess. WormLess.

110. Coriandrum sativum (Coriander seed) – carminative, anti-spasmodic, appetiser, stomachic, aromatic; flatulence (wind), colic, diarrhoea (esp. children), appetite, aphrodisiac. See Wind

111. Cnidium monnieri (Umbelliferae; Conidium fruit, She Chung Zi) Chinese Herb – tonic to kidney yang, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, aphrodisiac, astringent, stimulant; kidney yang deficiency – impotence and female sterility; Ext: vaginal itching and infections, abscesses and ringworm (use as decoction); pungent, bitter, warm; KI.

112. Crataegus oxyacanthoides (Hawthorn leaf, flower, berry) – cardiac tonic; hypotensive, arteriosclerosis, angina, heart failure, palpitations (use leaf in preference to berry), cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, Buerger’s disease, paroxysmal tachycardia. Dose: 1:5 45% 1-2ml. See Heart and Circulation

113. Curcuma longa (Turmeric root, Jiang Huang) Chinese Herb – Anti-inflammatory for RA, eczema, psoriasis, CVS disease (lowers cholesterol), dissolves clots, thrombosis; protects and prevents abnormal cell formation risk (esp. smokers, farmers), increases gastric and hepatic function; haemostatic, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, pain in chest and abdomen, traumatic injury, bleeding in lungs, bladder and nose; RA pain. Ext: RA, inflamed skin, psoriasis, infections of skin; semi-conscious states, hysteria; jaundice; pungent, bitter, cold. HE, LU, LIV. Best made as 1:1 45% 35-100ml per week. Recent studies comparing the activities of turmeric’s active curcuminoids with some steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs indicate similar action and results (reduced swelling and pain) with no risks or side-effects. Powerful antioxidant, liver protective and bile secreting effects.

114. Cuscuta chinensis (Dodder seed, Tu Si Zi) Chinese Herb – kidney deficiency, impotence, premature ejaculation, spermatorrhoea, frequent micturition, incontinence, fertility, vertigo, tinnitus, lumbago, eyesight; nutrient to bones and sinews and cartilage (osteoporosis); pungent, sweet, neutral; LIV KI.

115. Cytisus scoparius (Broom tops) – Cardioactive diuretic, peripheral vasoconstrictor, anti-haemorrhagic; weak heart, low BP, oedema, myocardial weakness, tachycardia, menorrhagia. C/I pregnancy.

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A, B-C, D-E-F, G-H, I-J-K, L-M-N, O-P-Q, R-S, T-U, V-W, X-Y-Z