(now includes Boswellia, Ashwaghanda and Ginseng. Herbs can be used for muscle bulking
and increased muscular strength)

to B u i l d , Strengthen and Define Muscles

– All Organic Herbs –

(We are pleased to announce this product has recently been even more powerfully improved and enhanced for your benefit – and with no increase of price)

This power powder is easy to take. You simply stir one to two teaspoons of the powder into a glass of spring water and drink.

This is best done just before you take your daily exercise, be it going for a walk, jogging, gym work, weight training, cycling, aerobics or any of the sports activities.

The powder feeds the muscles supplying vital constituents enabling them to work more efficiently thereby helping them to strengthen and become more defined.

What is the Powder?

An American body builder came to my clinic shop some time time ago and asked me for a green powder that would help to nourish his musculature while he is working out and lifting heavy weights and building muscle.

So I formulated the powder around this information, with the emphasis on simplicity and inexpensiveness. As an ideal nutritional tonic, this mixture is superb for debility and is also used for convalescence after any illness; it also has a good source of vitamins, especially A, C, E and K; it also has a good source of minerals, for instance calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron – all excellent for building muscle.

We also needed herbs to stimulate metabolic action which would be useful to reduce fat build-up and to raise energy levels. Another important element we need in such a powder is to support the joints during exercise or weight training. So such a powder is also beneficial for weight control and losing weight. It has natural steroids.

Now with added, enhanced, quick-supply phyto-steroidal and high energy herbs for increased effects on muscles, performance, endurance and safety.

We recommend BodyBuild Powder is used at the same time as MuscleMore Tonic for optimum results.

Order here – see the sizes and prices on our Store

Email Alan Hopking Herbalist for more information

Do You Want These BodyBuild Benefits?

  1. Defines muscles and builds muscles.
  2. Increases energy.
  3. Supports the joints.
  4. Nourishes whilst under pressure.
  5. Reduces excess weight.
  6. Helps absorb excess fat reserves.
  7. Gives that extra power when needed.
  8. High vitamin and mineral availability.
  9. It is easy to take mixed in water before your workout.


L-Glutamine 500g powder              

High quality powder in the natural free-form
Lamberts® powdered L-Glutamine is an easy and affordable way to supplement the diet with this fascinating amino acid as the recommended dosage is often 5grams, an amount that would fill 10 capsules. Lamberts® L-Glutamine is a mild tasting pure powder that can be easily mixed with drinks or sprinkled on food.
Glutamine is a building block for protein and is used to build or preserve muscle or prevent muscle wastage. It is the most abundant naturally occurring non-essential amino acid in the body and it can be derived from glutamic acid, another member of the amino acid family. Both glutamine and glutamic acid can be found in protein-rich foods such as red meat, nuts and fish. Different tissues in the body have different requirements for L-Glutamine and the most eager consumers of glutamine are the cells of intestines, whilst muscles are known to be high producers of L-Glutamine.
Closely related to glutamic acid and gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA).
Recommended for large bowel disorders. (Colitis, Crohns, IBS, Ulcerative colitis)
Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding.
Daily intake: 5-10 grams. Mix into water or fruit juice half hour before food or before bedtime

Buy L-Glutamine on our store


Order BodyBuild Powder here

Other herbal medicines:
MuscleMore Tonic
(Total) Detox
Heart & Circulation
Pancreas and blood sugar control

Skin Clear
ABCDaily Herbal NutriPowder Plus

Order your tonics here